hello kitty goes to peaches


Failure To Launch

Just finished with the Sarah Jessica Parker flick Failure to Launch. It was suitable for fluffy rental viewing. It was not really a great film, but silly, goofy and kinda fun. If you were wandering the video store aimlessly and needed an alternative to the boob-tube, you could rent this one. I would not say I would suggest it, but it wasn't horrible. Wow, what a glowing review :-)


The Girl In The Cafe

Sam www.thehoyden.blogspot.com reviewed this film on her blog a few weeks ago. She described it in such a way that I really wanted to see it. I am not going to attempt to summarize in a different way, because Sam already did a fine job. Ironically the actress who played the "girl" in the cafe won the Emmy last night for her performance and it just so happened that I planned on watching it after the Emmy's.

The basic story is about a finance advisor to the chancellor who takes the lone seat in a cafe across from a stranger. The stranger is a shy young woman and the two awkwardly start a conversation that leads to a few meals together. A romance blossoms between the two and she accompanies him on his trip to the G8 summit.

This movie was very quiet and unassuming but there was an underlying element that made me look into those fictional characters and wonder what made them tick. I enjoyed the disquiet that was inside them because I could relate to it. There was an element of truth that you often don't find and for that reason I think you should go out and find this movie. It really was beautiful.


Jesus Is Magic

I rented Sarah Silverman's comedy piece Jesus Is Magic. I didn't have much of a reference framework for Sarah, aside from the fact that she is Jimmy Kimmel's girlfriend. I knew she was a comic, but never had seen her work.

The movie was a blend of live performance and silly spoof songs that further investigated themes in her routine. She left no group out. She was nice enough to slam Jews, blacks, Asians, Hispanics and the elderly. I am sure she gave credit to other groups, but I can't remember them all.

It was pretty funny. Sometimes I wish there was a comedy style that didn't need to be so offensive to score points with audiences but I still can't help but laugh because some observations she makes are so on the mark. As a bonus, I think she is really pretty and nice to look at. There is a level of gender satisfaction, because you rarely see women in a comic role acting really perverse. Most women comics I am familiar with are very loud, but Sarah is gross. Since I am kinda gross and full of "too much information" I feel like I need to give her kudos for being herself and not toning it down.

It was a quick view, but loaded with laughs.

The Keep

Here is some commentary on Jennifer Egan's latest book- The Keep. From the front flap of the book, you can easily summarize the plot by saying it is a story of two cousins who share some bad blood from a childhood prank. Twenty years later, the reunite somewhere in Europe because one of the cousins has purchased and old castle and want to renovate it into a hotel. Once everyone is on site, you realize there is much more to this castle and it begins to seriously alter the reality and consciousness of it's inhabitants.

The thing I really enjoyed about this book was the unique storytelling. You really don't know if you can trust the narrator because one is suffering from severe hallucinations, some have an agenda, and nearly everyone is trying to hide something. The book is trippy. I found I needed to read every single word and give the text a close reading to keep up with the story. It was different from my normal taste and I thought I would give it a shot to stretch my brain. It worked!

Thumbs up for The Keep. Well worth the effort and suspenseful without terror. I liked it!

Little Miss Sunshine

I know I am late to the party on this one-but I loved this movie. Loved it, adored it, wanted to embrace it.

If you have the chance, go see this film. It is small. There are no giant stunts or spectacular scenes of grandeur. This is a film about life and what it means to be a participating human being. It plainly shows what happens when people fail and how bad it hurts when you are disappointed. It is a fine banner for reality. I love reality!

I was having a conversation with a friend of mine a few weeks ago about our misconceptions we had growing up. I always thought (as did she) that as you get older, you grow accustomed to your life and a certain way of doing things and then "poof" that is your life, and you live it. Funny thing is, that isn't how it ended up for the two of us, life is actually an active, living, breathing exercise. Life is hard. Things suck. Your heart gets broken. Sometimes you wonder if you will be able to face your day and live through to see another one. Then there are days where all the moons line up and you feel some peace and happiness. It is all what you make of it and the lessons you learn along the way are priceless if you only take the time to stop and see the direction your inner compass is pointing. And, that is living.

See the film. It is small and subtle yet absolutely beautiful if you look through the right lens. There is nothing extra, every moment is connected and matter. Kinda like life.


Evening Soundtrack

I find it strange how loud the night is. From my bed there is a steady deafening hum of insect's in my backyard. I can hear trucks roaring down the highway, and there is an ever present train reminding me of days gone by. Once the light of the computer is out, it seems as if it isn't even dark anymore because my eyes adjust and I can see the outline of the trees. I find that if I concentrate on any of these distractions I can't sleep no matter how tired I may be and I have to put on my iPod for distraction.

It is 2:14am.


The fantastic free in store coupon at Blockbuster afforded me the opportunity to see Brick. I recall seeing the trailers for this independent film and thought it looked interesting. Plus it has the pretty blonde girl from Lost in it, so I wanted to give it a shot.

Basic story-former girlfriend is hooked on drugs, involved with some bad dudes and her former boyfriend finds her dead. He wants to figure out who done it, and needs to retrace her steps. Takes place somewhere in the lovely So-Cal area in a high school setting.

The movie stunk. It was totally far fetched and did not prove to be anywhere near suspenseful, although the packaging promises a real thriller. I am a serious fraidy-cat/nervous-nelly and I was so bored I was fast forwarding to just find out what happened. I would say I was probably most irritated by the dialogue which sounded like it was written in verse.

Thank goodness it was free.


The Brambles

I read Eliza Minot's second novel The Brambles last week. Sam gave it to me and said I would like it. I had seen it at the store, and fell in love with the cover. The cover is the best I have come across all year. I know that people say "You can't judge a book by it's cover" but after many years in the book business, and having loved books my whole life, I have found that a really compelling cover often coincides with an interesting story.

This novel is a story of a family dealing with a dying father. The father is about to stay with his oldest daughter and her family so hospice can be brought in. The story is told through the point of view of the three children and the father. All of the children are adults, disconnected from their family and dealing with their own issues independent of their fathers illness.

I really loved this book. It is a buffet of words. Even the most simple things are described in the most poetic way. It isn't the linear story that keeps you reading, it is the richness of memory each person experiences that seems to reach out and pull you in. It is inviting, revealing and welcoming. I wanted to sit on the porch with these people and just marinate in their energy while enjoying a glass of wine (which I don't even drink!)

So, check out this novel if you are looking for some thoughtful literary stimulation.

Waking Life

The movie choice for last night was Richard Linkletter's animated feature Waking Life. I didn't really know anything about it other than the fact that Linkletter was associated with it, and I like the work he has done in the past. I decided to give it a try.

First off, I watch DVD's on my laptop because I don't have a free standing DVD player anymore. The film moves around a lot and the animation is very fluid. If I had seen this in the theatre, I bet I would have barfed. I had to shrink the screen, plug in my earbuds and not look directly at the computer.

From what I saw of the film, it was a series of loosely linked monologues that contemplated life. They were really interesting and made me think. But, I was really tired and sorta queasy, and I couldn't finish it. I decided I might need to be in a different state of mind to watch Waking Life. One where I am open to new ideas. I found that as I listened to it, I wanted to write down little bits of what I heard because they were pretty profound. So, I am going to send the movie back, get some goofy comedy and wait until I am ready to really absorb the message.

All Worked Up

You know, the entertainment community seems to have their panties in a bunch over Tom Cruise and his behavior over the last year or so. Sure, he is annoying, but hasn't he always been? Did Nicole Kidman just take the irritating edge off of him?

This is what I want to know about the whole situation...What in the hell is wrong with Katie Holmes' tongue!?! Am I the only person who notices that she constantly bites on her tongue when she smiles and it is the most obnoxious thing on the face of the planet? I used to think it was part of her character Joey Potter on Dawsons Creek. But, as the years went on, and I saw her in other films and red carpet appearances she always is sticking out her damn tongue.

Do you think Suri has inherited her mother's large tongue? Can little Suri smile without exposing her tongue? Will her publicist teach her to smile properly before Annie Leibovitz comes over to take her picture??

ps- big shocker!! Spell check does not recognize Suri!



I watched Steve Martin's Shopgirl the other night. I have to admit that after selling books for 8 1/2 years I was a little skeptical about the book and the movie. I didn't really think I wanted to watch or read something that Steve Martin created but I had a free coupon for Blockbuster, and I picked this film.

First off the basic story is about a lonely artist gal from Vermont who works the glove counter at Saks Fifth Avenue. During the course of the movie she is involved with two men who could not be more different from one another. There is an older gent in his 50's who is well to do and worldly and a twentysomething bizarro boy who is pretty flighty.

The movie did a few things very well. The representation of what it is like to live in a big city as a gal all on her own was spot on. The comparison of the two different suitors demonstrated how it is possible to adapt and have your needs met in most situations (sometimes effectively and sometimes not so effectively.) There was a very nice depiction of what depression looks like as an illness which differs from many films that show depression as a result of a specific event. And of course there are some really beautiful views of Los Angeles that can't be beat.

My only real criticism is totally a "me thing" and revolves around Claire Danes' wardrobe. She looked so painfully lanky and thin in the film and they did a bad job dressing her. She wore many housecoat-like collared vintage dresses that made her look like a stick of linguine. There were a few more modern outfits that were flattering, but I couldn't seem to get past the pasta outfits. This certainly wouldn't bother many people, and had literally nothing to do with the film, but it annoyed the crap out of me.

So, thumbs up for the film. A very realistic picture.

Am I Alone Here?

Or does Mandy Patinkin have one sexy voice??

You Might Think I'm Foolish

I have had a serious problem for my entire adult life and I am trying to see if I might be strong enough to put a stop to it. I struggle with it daily and I am so tired of it.

I hate doing dishes.

The irony about this is that I love to cook. I don't seem to know how to cook without creating dishtubs full of dirty dishes. What is even more ironic is that my last two homes have had the worlds smallest kitchens, each with about a 10-12 inch wide countertop, and a single small sink. I have not had a dishwasher in over 5 years. My life is ruled by a sinkful of dirty dishes and I need to find the resolve to wash dishes more often (like more often than once every three weeks.)

Tonight it took me 45 minutes to wash the worlds stinkiest sink of dishes. I couldn't make enough room to boil a pot of noodles and therefore it was finally time to strap on the rubber gloves and suds up.

I have a problem and I gotta gain control and exhibit some discipline.

Duo of Dumb

I watched two films today because I don't understand moderation and I am an insomniac.

Let's just say that I am not standing behind The Wedding Date or Derailed.

'Nuff said.

(For the record, I knew they wouldn't be good-but I had no idea how bad they could be)


We Are All Welcome Here

Here is a little review of the book I read on Sunday. It is the newest installment in the Elizabeth Berg collection. I say collection, because she has written a ton of books.

We Are All Welcome Here is based on a true story. A fan of Berg's books wrote her and asked if maybe Elizabeth could write a story based on a remarkable woman-the fan's mother. Berg was reluctant to do so, but once she heard the story, she decided to turn it into a work of fiction.

I don't want to give away too much, but the mother was 22 and 9 months pregnant when she was diagnosed with Polio and was going to need to spend 3 years in an iron lung. Her husband split, but not before offering to help adopt the baby out. The mom was convinced she would keep her daughter and would fight to live. So, she had the baby, hired help to take care of her, and after 3 years came home paralyzed from the neck down. Later in her life, she went back to school and became an addictions counselor and an advocate for the disabled.

The book takes place during the summer of 1964 when the daughter is 13. The story is told from the point of view of the teenage daughter. One of the things I love about Elizabeth Berg is her ability to capture the little details of what it feels like to be a little girl and how intense everything is. She focuses on the little details that mean so much when you were a budding young lady like nail polish, magazines and the secrets you share with your best friend. While she talks to your inner child, she makes the story and the characterization complex enough that it holds your adult mind hostage-caught up in the whirlwind of memory.

I really don't want to give many more plot details away, but this story paints such a nice picture of the nuclear family, which is one of my favorite kinds of stories. It is also set in Alabama during a very tense summer for race relations in our country. When I read it, I felt like I could feel the world of possibility and change just about to split open.

It was a very nice story. A fine summer read that makes you feel good without being sappy or silly. A return to form for Elizabeth Berg after 15 or so books. I highly recommend it.

A Bad Habit Indeed

I need to make a confession. I am confessing to my blog since I am a seriously lapsed Catholic.

I misbehave while eating ice cream.

I have a horrible habit of buying a big vat of ice cream and eating it straight out of the carton with a very big spoon. I have been known to dump my hot fudge or caramel sauce right into the container. But, this is not the worst offense...

I go through the ice cream and strategically eat all the yummy bits out first. I literally dig through with my giant spoon and mine for hunks of chocolate candies or caverns of gooey goodness. I am violating my ice cream, and after about two sessions, I usually throw out the rest of the ice cream innards, because I don't like ice cream all that much, I like the little treats.

Perhaps I should just buy candy bars. I don't think that would prove as fun. Mining for the best the ice cream has to offer is more of a sport.

Things I Love-Part One

Here is a new blog topic I would like to start.....Things I Love.

Today's topic

Diet Coke

I just love the way the words look when put together. Diet Coke is by far my favorite beverage of all time. Let me share my history with this fantastic beverage and you will see how close we are as I drink an icy cold can full of it.

When I was 17, I was the finest waitress at the local Ponderosa restaurant. For story purposes, I would like to call it "Pondo" because that is how I referred to it when I worked there, and ever since. So, I am working at the Pondo, charming every senior citizen in the county. I will have you know I was "waitress of the month" all three months I worked there.... I remember my favorite customer was this sweet old man who had cancer. He would come to the Pondo to visit me after his chemo treatment and he drank iced tea, with a lemon, no sugar. He never ate at the buffet establishment, but liked my company so much that he came for the tea and conversation. Anyway, I know I am off the topic-but I loved this dude. So, I am running my little fanny off and finding I was not losing a pound. Since I was very concerned about the impending "freshmen 15", I wanted to watch my intake. At the Pondo I had access to free Coke. I was drinking that stuff like it was going out of style. I read in a magazine how many calories were in a serving of Coke and I nearly croaked. So, I switched to the diet stuff. At first it tasted like battery acid, but, as time moved on, and my pants loosened, I learned to love it.

I have never been one for coffee, or really any hot beverage. But, I need to have a drink at all times. I am constantly thirsty. Might be because I am dehydrated from all the D.C., but I don't care, I slurp it up.

I am pretty picky about my Diet Coke. First off, I prefer it from a fountain. I think the best fountain Diet Coke comes from McDonald's. Problem there is that I go to McDonald's and I feel the need to order more than my calorie free beverage and the price of the soda and McD's is outrageous. Next I would take a cold can of soda, followed by a 20oz bottle, and finally, if totally parched, I would drink a 2 liter (if forced). I literally can not bring myself to drink a sugared soda, no matter how thirsty I might be. As a side note, I like to drink my Diet Coke on ice, crushed if available, and thru a straw. I am unable to drink an iced beverage without a straw due to the sensitivity of my silly teeth.

Currently I am hooked on my Speedway gas station fountain Diet Coke. It is very close to my house and I can get there quickly. They have a summer special of a 44oz cup for only $.79. When you buy 6 drinks, your 7th is free. How on earth can you beat that!! I even brave the freaky gas station attendant for my fix. About three weeks ago, I stopped in for a beverage to accompany my pizza. He said to me "I don't know how your boyfriend can keep up with you with all that Diet Coke you drink!" I looked at him and responded "Well, somehow he manages" thinking it funny that I had been single for six months and that my imaginary boyfriend finds a way to keep up with my hydration needs. I continue to accept his bizarre pleas for attention, which did pay off last week when the Diet Coke was out and I convinced him to change the syrup for me. I felt dirty. A girl has to do what a girl has to do when there is Diet Coke concerned.

There is no comparison for calorie free beverages. Diet Pepsi is a joke. Ugh. I get sick just thinking about it. There is nothing worse than when you show up at a movie and you are confronted with a giant Pepsi logo at the concession stand. I don't mind paying four bucks for a soda, as long as it is Diet Coke. Sure, I love concord grape juice, and most fruit juices, but those babies have some serious calorie concentration. I wanna eat my calories, not drink them! So I pick up a Twix and a roll of Sweetarts and have them along with my Diet Coke (these two candy items could make an appearance in this series of "Things I Love").

To top off my Diet Coke worship, I found a vintage-esque tshirt at Target with the Diet Coke logo on it. Wow, it is cute and very soft, not to mention the perfect shade of gray (my favorite color). But, with the shiny red letters I feel like my shirt screams "Hey! Check out my rack" so I have only worn it once. Still-I support my drink.

Today's consumption- 44oz+32oz+32oz+24oz=too much!

Well, this concludes Part One of the new series. I hope that I have conveyed my love for Diet Coke in an entertaining and educational fashion.

Can I Fall For Fall?

I asked someone what the date was today, and then it hit me....Fall is just around the corner.

Oh my. I do love summer. I love sunshine, freckles, skirts, and flip flops. I love to get in my car, roll down the windows and turn my stereo up so loud that it shakes my teeth while I sing at the top of my voice. I would live in a land of perpetual sunshine if there was an option. Hot, loud, and humid. Last week I studied on a blanket in the grass just to catch a sunburn. I adored every itchy moment.

The nights have been getting cool and the sun is setting before nine. It smells different, as if nature is about to sleep. The last full moon lamented that soon frost would blanket the earth. I wish I could make August last forever. Capture it in a tiny bubble and never allow it to touch the ground. In another month I will have to move the summer dresses into storage, find my cozy sweaters, and cover my tiny jellybean colored toes with socks.

Maybe one day I will find the perfect climate where the sun always shines and the breeze is warm like an embrace. I wish that day was today. In the meantime, I am going to make sure I capture more of that sunlight because I need to remember it in December.



Sweet Jesus, I love cupcakes. There is something so friendly about a cupcake. Cupcakes are decadent, because you don't need to share them. They are teeny and decorated and waiting to be picked, kinda like puppies at the pound.

Tonight I was at Whole Foods and decided to splurge on a carrot cupcake. I ate it while I was driving because I couldn't seem to wait to get home-that frosting was calling my name!

Unfortunately, the carrot cake base was dry and tasteless. It seems that lately all cupcakes are tasteless. The ones I have made have been yucky. But, the frosting was the crowning glory because on this cupcake it was two and a half inches thick and loaded with cream cheese and sugar.

I have never understood people who don't like frosting. I always go for the corner piece so I can have extra frosting. Screw the cake, I want the frosting baby!


When I Become a Rockstar

I really hope I am never pressured to take a photo underneath one of the bridges leading into Manhattan.

Just something I wanted to put out there.

Sad, Oh So Sad

I was just browsing through some blogs of people who listed similar interests. I found this really fun one (of course I don't remember the name) where this lady told a funny story about her cat Picky (who looked a lot like Punky).

The sad, oh so sad thing I realized was....

I could literally write a blog full of stuff about my cats Punky and Nutmeg. A whole blog. Those two little gomers are downright hysterical at times. I adore them like no other beings on this planet.

That's right folks, I am a single girl tempted to write goofy stories about her cats. Isn't bad enough that I love hello kitty as much as a silly six year old schoolgirl?!?

I am the crazy cat lady. I think I am okay with it. It fits :-)


Everything Everyone Everywhere Ends

My search for the final two discs of Six Feet Under did not go as smoothly as I might have hoped. I had to drive to six different video stores (not to mention calling 4 others) before I finally had my hands on the prized discs.

I finished watching the final episode tonight. I think the show lost some of the luster as time went on, but I still enjoyed watching the last season all the same. I didn't like how it ended, but I thought it did remain true to the vision and theme of the entire series. I laughed, I cried, and I continued to be horrified by the narcissistic behavior of the lead character.

I think the theme of the last season "Everything Everyone Everywhere Ends" was very fitting.

It all comes out in the wash

I just checked my school website and found that I did earn a 4.0 in my women's studies class. The class was really easy, so it doesn't feel as satisfying as if I had that grade in a tough class.

So, I guess if I end up with a 3.95 overall GPA for the semester, I shouldn't be complaining too loudly!! I will give myself a stern talking to and I think it will all blow over.

Wow. I sound nuts. It must be all those hours of Six Feet Under!

Perfectionist...like it's a bad thing

I fear I have become one of those students I always found very irritating...I am one of those grown-up students, who seems to not be satisfied by anything that is not a 4.0.

I have no idea why my grade point has become so darn important to me. My first few years in school, back before I was of legal drinking age, I hardly ever showed up for class. Now that I am nearly 30, I refuse to miss class, and cling to it like an exciting social outing! What have I become! I am like those annoying Mom like students, except I don't even have kids. In fact, today when I visited my Mom, she told me that in high school her GPA was a 2.7. Fine grades from a woman who pulled me out of drivers ed for getting a D in a single cardmarking. I didn't even get my license until I was nearly 18. She finally let me get it right before my 18th birthday so I wouldn't have to take a driving road test (if you got your license before 18, you skipped the road test).

Today I went to school to pick up my exam and final paper. Essentially, I earned a 3.9 on my exam and a 3.8 on my paper. Like a total dope, I was so disappointed in myself. Which is really silly, since I think I will end up with a 3.8 or 3.9 in the class and that is an A! I have been spoiled in other classes earning a 4.0, and now that I was faced with a really challenging professor who really took me to task on my work, I feel cruddy.

I feel like a whinny little princess complaining about the jewels in my crown being dull.

Falling Right Back Into the Habit

A little while ago, I gave up my Netflix membership. As a student, with no income, it seemed silly to indulge in movies. Near the end there, I had kind of ran out of things I wanted to see and kept three DVD's for almost a month without ever watching them.

I kept getting one of those annoying ads on my yahoo account for a free Blockbuster trail, so I broke down and signed up. I could only seem to come up with one film, and a TV on DVD series I wanted to see. I figured this would fill my two week membership.

So, today my three discs of Six Feet Under season five showed up. Here I sit, 8 hours later, dying for the next two discs. Since it is 2am, I can't even go to the video store to pay for those two discs! It is killing me. Of course you know that the third disc ended with a HUGE cliffhanger and I can't believe I have to wait til morning to find out what happens. I am wide awake and feeling like I am coming off of some entertainment withdrawal!

It is a little funny how soothed I felt by a television show. After years of watching a show, I start to feel connected to it, even if I know it is just pretend. I loved seeing the new homes of the characters, what type of hand lotion was on their nightstands and how their rooms were all painted these lovely colors. It made me lonely, like I wanted to paint my house and have a dinner party to welcome people into my life. Which is strange since I live in a rental and I don't have a kitchen table. I guess I could invite over a few folks and we could all eat in my bed. But, then again, that might be awkward.

I can't wait til Blockbuster opens.


Holy Crap!

Get in your car right now and head to Wendy's!!

I just stopped by my local Wendy's with the intention of trying out the new vanilla flavored Frosty. I was feeling a little nervous about trying out a new twist on a life long favorite. I couldn't imagine improving the wonderful chocolate Frosty. What is not to love? It is a tasty treat that is so thick you have to eat it with a spoon. You can hold it upside down and it doesn't fall out. I love the Frosty.

Well, just let me tell you, the vanilla Frosty is my new crack! It tastes much like Dairy Queen's soft serve, but it is much cheaper and the servings are larger. Mmmmm! Because I was so nervous about the quality of the vanilla flavor, so I ordered a half chocolate, half vanilla Frosty. Man, I sure do regret that!

I might need to eat one of these everyday for a long, long while.

Go try the vanilla Frosty and let me know if you agree.