hello kitty goes to peaches


Little Miss Sunshine

I know I am late to the party on this one-but I loved this movie. Loved it, adored it, wanted to embrace it.

If you have the chance, go see this film. It is small. There are no giant stunts or spectacular scenes of grandeur. This is a film about life and what it means to be a participating human being. It plainly shows what happens when people fail and how bad it hurts when you are disappointed. It is a fine banner for reality. I love reality!

I was having a conversation with a friend of mine a few weeks ago about our misconceptions we had growing up. I always thought (as did she) that as you get older, you grow accustomed to your life and a certain way of doing things and then "poof" that is your life, and you live it. Funny thing is, that isn't how it ended up for the two of us, life is actually an active, living, breathing exercise. Life is hard. Things suck. Your heart gets broken. Sometimes you wonder if you will be able to face your day and live through to see another one. Then there are days where all the moons line up and you feel some peace and happiness. It is all what you make of it and the lessons you learn along the way are priceless if you only take the time to stop and see the direction your inner compass is pointing. And, that is living.

See the film. It is small and subtle yet absolutely beautiful if you look through the right lens. There is nothing extra, every moment is connected and matter. Kinda like life.


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