hello kitty goes to peaches


Can I Fall For Fall?

I asked someone what the date was today, and then it hit me....Fall is just around the corner.

Oh my. I do love summer. I love sunshine, freckles, skirts, and flip flops. I love to get in my car, roll down the windows and turn my stereo up so loud that it shakes my teeth while I sing at the top of my voice. I would live in a land of perpetual sunshine if there was an option. Hot, loud, and humid. Last week I studied on a blanket in the grass just to catch a sunburn. I adored every itchy moment.

The nights have been getting cool and the sun is setting before nine. It smells different, as if nature is about to sleep. The last full moon lamented that soon frost would blanket the earth. I wish I could make August last forever. Capture it in a tiny bubble and never allow it to touch the ground. In another month I will have to move the summer dresses into storage, find my cozy sweaters, and cover my tiny jellybean colored toes with socks.

Maybe one day I will find the perfect climate where the sun always shines and the breeze is warm like an embrace. I wish that day was today. In the meantime, I am going to make sure I capture more of that sunlight because I need to remember it in December.


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