hello kitty goes to peaches


Falling Right Back Into the Habit

A little while ago, I gave up my Netflix membership. As a student, with no income, it seemed silly to indulge in movies. Near the end there, I had kind of ran out of things I wanted to see and kept three DVD's for almost a month without ever watching them.

I kept getting one of those annoying ads on my yahoo account for a free Blockbuster trail, so I broke down and signed up. I could only seem to come up with one film, and a TV on DVD series I wanted to see. I figured this would fill my two week membership.

So, today my three discs of Six Feet Under season five showed up. Here I sit, 8 hours later, dying for the next two discs. Since it is 2am, I can't even go to the video store to pay for those two discs! It is killing me. Of course you know that the third disc ended with a HUGE cliffhanger and I can't believe I have to wait til morning to find out what happens. I am wide awake and feeling like I am coming off of some entertainment withdrawal!

It is a little funny how soothed I felt by a television show. After years of watching a show, I start to feel connected to it, even if I know it is just pretend. I loved seeing the new homes of the characters, what type of hand lotion was on their nightstands and how their rooms were all painted these lovely colors. It made me lonely, like I wanted to paint my house and have a dinner party to welcome people into my life. Which is strange since I live in a rental and I don't have a kitchen table. I guess I could invite over a few folks and we could all eat in my bed. But, then again, that might be awkward.

I can't wait til Blockbuster opens.


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