hello kitty goes to peaches


Perfectionist...like it's a bad thing

I fear I have become one of those students I always found very irritating...I am one of those grown-up students, who seems to not be satisfied by anything that is not a 4.0.

I have no idea why my grade point has become so darn important to me. My first few years in school, back before I was of legal drinking age, I hardly ever showed up for class. Now that I am nearly 30, I refuse to miss class, and cling to it like an exciting social outing! What have I become! I am like those annoying Mom like students, except I don't even have kids. In fact, today when I visited my Mom, she told me that in high school her GPA was a 2.7. Fine grades from a woman who pulled me out of drivers ed for getting a D in a single cardmarking. I didn't even get my license until I was nearly 18. She finally let me get it right before my 18th birthday so I wouldn't have to take a driving road test (if you got your license before 18, you skipped the road test).

Today I went to school to pick up my exam and final paper. Essentially, I earned a 3.9 on my exam and a 3.8 on my paper. Like a total dope, I was so disappointed in myself. Which is really silly, since I think I will end up with a 3.8 or 3.9 in the class and that is an A! I have been spoiled in other classes earning a 4.0, and now that I was faced with a really challenging professor who really took me to task on my work, I feel cruddy.

I feel like a whinny little princess complaining about the jewels in my crown being dull.


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