hello kitty goes to peaches


Waking Life

The movie choice for last night was Richard Linkletter's animated feature Waking Life. I didn't really know anything about it other than the fact that Linkletter was associated with it, and I like the work he has done in the past. I decided to give it a try.

First off, I watch DVD's on my laptop because I don't have a free standing DVD player anymore. The film moves around a lot and the animation is very fluid. If I had seen this in the theatre, I bet I would have barfed. I had to shrink the screen, plug in my earbuds and not look directly at the computer.

From what I saw of the film, it was a series of loosely linked monologues that contemplated life. They were really interesting and made me think. But, I was really tired and sorta queasy, and I couldn't finish it. I decided I might need to be in a different state of mind to watch Waking Life. One where I am open to new ideas. I found that as I listened to it, I wanted to write down little bits of what I heard because they were pretty profound. So, I am going to send the movie back, get some goofy comedy and wait until I am ready to really absorb the message.


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