hello kitty goes to peaches


A Bad Habit Indeed

I need to make a confession. I am confessing to my blog since I am a seriously lapsed Catholic.

I misbehave while eating ice cream.

I have a horrible habit of buying a big vat of ice cream and eating it straight out of the carton with a very big spoon. I have been known to dump my hot fudge or caramel sauce right into the container. But, this is not the worst offense...

I go through the ice cream and strategically eat all the yummy bits out first. I literally dig through with my giant spoon and mine for hunks of chocolate candies or caverns of gooey goodness. I am violating my ice cream, and after about two sessions, I usually throw out the rest of the ice cream innards, because I don't like ice cream all that much, I like the little treats.

Perhaps I should just buy candy bars. I don't think that would prove as fun. Mining for the best the ice cream has to offer is more of a sport.


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