hello kitty goes to peaches


Things I Love-Part One

Here is a new blog topic I would like to start.....Things I Love.

Today's topic

Diet Coke

I just love the way the words look when put together. Diet Coke is by far my favorite beverage of all time. Let me share my history with this fantastic beverage and you will see how close we are as I drink an icy cold can full of it.

When I was 17, I was the finest waitress at the local Ponderosa restaurant. For story purposes, I would like to call it "Pondo" because that is how I referred to it when I worked there, and ever since. So, I am working at the Pondo, charming every senior citizen in the county. I will have you know I was "waitress of the month" all three months I worked there.... I remember my favorite customer was this sweet old man who had cancer. He would come to the Pondo to visit me after his chemo treatment and he drank iced tea, with a lemon, no sugar. He never ate at the buffet establishment, but liked my company so much that he came for the tea and conversation. Anyway, I know I am off the topic-but I loved this dude. So, I am running my little fanny off and finding I was not losing a pound. Since I was very concerned about the impending "freshmen 15", I wanted to watch my intake. At the Pondo I had access to free Coke. I was drinking that stuff like it was going out of style. I read in a magazine how many calories were in a serving of Coke and I nearly croaked. So, I switched to the diet stuff. At first it tasted like battery acid, but, as time moved on, and my pants loosened, I learned to love it.

I have never been one for coffee, or really any hot beverage. But, I need to have a drink at all times. I am constantly thirsty. Might be because I am dehydrated from all the D.C., but I don't care, I slurp it up.

I am pretty picky about my Diet Coke. First off, I prefer it from a fountain. I think the best fountain Diet Coke comes from McDonald's. Problem there is that I go to McDonald's and I feel the need to order more than my calorie free beverage and the price of the soda and McD's is outrageous. Next I would take a cold can of soda, followed by a 20oz bottle, and finally, if totally parched, I would drink a 2 liter (if forced). I literally can not bring myself to drink a sugared soda, no matter how thirsty I might be. As a side note, I like to drink my Diet Coke on ice, crushed if available, and thru a straw. I am unable to drink an iced beverage without a straw due to the sensitivity of my silly teeth.

Currently I am hooked on my Speedway gas station fountain Diet Coke. It is very close to my house and I can get there quickly. They have a summer special of a 44oz cup for only $.79. When you buy 6 drinks, your 7th is free. How on earth can you beat that!! I even brave the freaky gas station attendant for my fix. About three weeks ago, I stopped in for a beverage to accompany my pizza. He said to me "I don't know how your boyfriend can keep up with you with all that Diet Coke you drink!" I looked at him and responded "Well, somehow he manages" thinking it funny that I had been single for six months and that my imaginary boyfriend finds a way to keep up with my hydration needs. I continue to accept his bizarre pleas for attention, which did pay off last week when the Diet Coke was out and I convinced him to change the syrup for me. I felt dirty. A girl has to do what a girl has to do when there is Diet Coke concerned.

There is no comparison for calorie free beverages. Diet Pepsi is a joke. Ugh. I get sick just thinking about it. There is nothing worse than when you show up at a movie and you are confronted with a giant Pepsi logo at the concession stand. I don't mind paying four bucks for a soda, as long as it is Diet Coke. Sure, I love concord grape juice, and most fruit juices, but those babies have some serious calorie concentration. I wanna eat my calories, not drink them! So I pick up a Twix and a roll of Sweetarts and have them along with my Diet Coke (these two candy items could make an appearance in this series of "Things I Love").

To top off my Diet Coke worship, I found a vintage-esque tshirt at Target with the Diet Coke logo on it. Wow, it is cute and very soft, not to mention the perfect shade of gray (my favorite color). But, with the shiny red letters I feel like my shirt screams "Hey! Check out my rack" so I have only worn it once. Still-I support my drink.

Today's consumption- 44oz+32oz+32oz+24oz=too much!

Well, this concludes Part One of the new series. I hope that I have conveyed my love for Diet Coke in an entertaining and educational fashion.


At 9:48 PM, Blogger Sam said...

Sept 02!!! That is a lot of oz!!! And you wonder why you can't sleep?

Sure hope you are brushing!


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