hello kitty goes to peaches



The fantastic free in store coupon at Blockbuster afforded me the opportunity to see Brick. I recall seeing the trailers for this independent film and thought it looked interesting. Plus it has the pretty blonde girl from Lost in it, so I wanted to give it a shot.

Basic story-former girlfriend is hooked on drugs, involved with some bad dudes and her former boyfriend finds her dead. He wants to figure out who done it, and needs to retrace her steps. Takes place somewhere in the lovely So-Cal area in a high school setting.

The movie stunk. It was totally far fetched and did not prove to be anywhere near suspenseful, although the packaging promises a real thriller. I am a serious fraidy-cat/nervous-nelly and I was so bored I was fast forwarding to just find out what happened. I would say I was probably most irritated by the dialogue which sounded like it was written in verse.

Thank goodness it was free.


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