hello kitty goes to peaches


i just can't win

okay. first off-i think God was punishing me for going to Walmart. normally i refuse to go to Walmart because I don't respect the organization, but today i did. and i am paying for it.

i went to Walmart because i needed a power screwdriver. yesterday i was trying to put together my new ikea furniture and it wasn't working out too well. i needed some umph in my arm that just wasn't there.

i picked up my screwdriver and then decided to take a trip through the grocery department. this Walmart is a SuperCenter, so it has a full service grocery. i have been missing my Meijer, which is a little like this SuperCenter.

i was in the dairy department checking out some yogurt. There was this guy that kept standing too close to me. i was getting pissed off and moved over to look at rice pudding. and then creepy cart guy moved over. i continued to get more and more irritated. so, i took off and cut down an aisle. when i turned and looked over my shoulder, i saw him again! i knew that i probably should tell him to buzz off, but instead i decided to leave. so i ran up to the front of the store and checked out quickly.

my anger continued to grow as i pulled out of the lot. and then....i had a little flash....a memory....that the creepy cart guy had a mirror on the bottom of his cart. and i thought "why on earth did that freaky guy decide to buy a mirror???? and then it hit me. that little f@*%$# was looking up my skirt!!!!!

i was full of rage. i grabbed my cell phone and the bill from Walmart and called the store manager to tell him to go find that guy because he was probably doing this to more women.

i swear. i just cant win!! if i had realized what he was doing I would have beat the holy living snot out of that little bastard. man, talk about feeling violated.

but, i am fine. i just wanna beat somebody up. so, instead i am chilling on the couch and cuddling with the cats. but, if i see that little prick again....he is a dead man.

oh, and the lesson of the day is....wear underpants.


At 8:56 PM, Blogger DDD said...

Sounds like a Southern Red Neck thing to do. I mean the mirror thing. Not the not wearing underpants thing. I bet that guy likes NASCAR racing. When are you coming back? We miss you. :(

At 5:15 PM, Blogger DDD said...

And don't wear the underpants on the OUTSIDE, right??????

At 9:39 PM, Blogger Sam said...

Maybe you SHOULD wear underpants on the outside if venturing to Wal Mart again.


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