hello kitty goes to peaches


Quick and Dirty Reviews

It has been a little too long since my last post and I have seen a few movies and read a couple of books. So, I am going to give a quick summary and or review of what I have taken in.

The Abortionists Daughter-Elisabeth Hyde

A prominent doctor is found dead in her swimming pool. In the hours before her death she has heated words with her daughter and husband who subsequently become persons of interest in her death. In addition to her family members there are a host of people who might like to see the doctor dead such as anti-abortion activists and a local preacher. The story kept me awake and I couldn't fall asleep until I finished it. It was a nice blend of literary fiction with a splash of mystery.

History of Love-Nicole Krauss

With a nice long road trip ahead of me I was delighted when I saw this audio book at the library I had to give it a listen. I had the book from the time it came out, but hadn't ever made the time to read it. Holy Moses....This book was incredible. Probably the best book I have read in the last year. It seems a shame to summarize it so quickly but the story revolves around Leo Gursky, a man who escaped the Nazi's, and comes to New York in search of Alma his first and only love. Leo begins the book at eighty and reflects on his life and the choices he has made. The story weaved together with the stories from Leo's past and present, the author of a book called The History of Love, and a young woman who is reading the History of Love trying to solve the mystery in her life. The book is like a seamless quilt in which you can see everything is connected, but you never see the stitching.

Short Cuts

I don't know how I got this far and hadn't ever seen this Robert Altman film. It is based on a set of Robert Carver short stories that show how we are all connected to one another, kinda like the six degree of separation, but there aren't always six degrees. It was fun to watch the movie because it is loaded with actors who have very accomplished careers and this was before their enormous stardom. My only gripe would be that it was LONG. So, if there you are feeling like a nice long film, pop the corn, break out the candy and a big gulp and settle in.

Trust the Man

Story of two couples in committed relationships living in New York and struggling with where they are going. I went to see it because I love every member of the cast and thought that it would have to be wonderful. Well, it wasn't. Not even a little bit. The costumes weren't even that good. The New York scenery was even a little lackluster. I am not giving this film a thumb up. I would save your dollars and your time.

Walking in Circles Before Lying Down-Merrill Markoe

A book about a girl writing a book based on her wacky experiences. The most exciting thing about the character Dawn is the fact she lives off the Pacific Coast Highway and that is all I can say that resembles nice. I do love the PCH and would give my dimples and curls to live near it! Dawn seems to have a pretty crappy track record with relationships with men but finds solace in her relationship with her dogs. Then her she finds her dogs start talking with her. Come now. Talking dogs? Gimme a break! Sam hooked me up with this book and I always trust her to know what I'd like. After reading 3/4ths of it, I gave Sam a call to find out what was up with the pick. She told me she didn't even like it! Since I spent my summer heavy lifting books for school, she thought some fluff might be just what Dr. Lit ordered. I finished it because I had to see if it could get worse and found the answer to be....yes.

Just My Luck

And just when you thought I had stooped to the ultimate low with a book about talking to dogs....I rented Lindsey Ho-Han movie. It was worse than you thought it was. Nuff said.


At 10:33 AM, Blogger Sam said...

Sorry, I should have made my reservations more clear. It was not a good book.


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