yea! vacation day!!
i finally took a vacation day!! and i am actually going to do stuff for me!!
i guess getting your drivers license might not big kicks for most folks, but i am pretty geeked.
can you say "ikea visit??"
i finally took a vacation day!! and i am actually going to do stuff for me!!
i went to trader joes and decided against buying sangria.
erika blogged today about songs she can listen to over and over again. i loved the entry. therefore, i will copy it. except i have a ton more to list. ****keep in mind, these are not my favorite songs, they are songs i can listen to over and over again and never get bored****
i was telling one of my tutors about this experience i had at the doctors a few weeks ago. the doctor gave me this lecture about getting out and meeting people and instructed me to join a gym. i wanted to smack her. i hate the gym. i had a free membership at school and i would spend 2 hours on the treadmill and then pass out. i am too compulsive for a normal exercise routine because i never know when to quit. but, i wasn't going to explain that to my doctor. i thanked her for her crappy advice and cancelled my follow up appointment.
i ran over to the drugstore to pick up AAA batteries for my ever-failing wireless mouse. when i was there they had this fancy perfume that i thought i would try.
i am jamming to this morning and just discovered that they bleeped Liz Phair's use of the f-bomb, but they don't bleep Ryan's f-bombs.
remember when that astronaut lady went wacko and drove hundreds of miles-with a diaper on- with the intention to do some serious bodily harm???
well, i know everyone knows that i think my grandma is awesome and super fabulous. so, i just wanted to say it again. she insisted that where ever i ended up would be the right place for me.
at the grocery on sunday i found the coolest thing. pickles are now sold in snack cups!! i was stocking up on my weekly ration of pickles and i saw little cups of baby dills. they are so cute! i wanted to turn to the woman a few feet away from me and see if she was as impressed as i was. i decided not to. but, i was tempted.
somehow twelve hour days are catching up to me. i am so tired that i can't seem to get out of bed on time. this morning my phone was chirping and it became part of my dream. i actually said to someone "hey, can you stop that beeping" inside of my dream. oye. but, i did get up and cleaned up and made it out the door.
i am sure most of you that know me, even casually, are aware of my obsession with pink. my whole office is pink. pink chairs, pink storage cases, pink file folders-the joint is as pink as the day is long. i often purchase a fair amount of pink clothing. most of the time i wear all white, but if i am not wearing a white dress then it is bound to be pink one.
Dean and I bonded many years ago over music. Dean and I share a sick love. We love Ryan (I know you all know who I speak of, so I will omit his name) Dean has this book called "Love is a Mix Tape." It is one of the only book he read from cover to cover (in a long time.) The concept is nice. I think it is about a couple that traded mix tapes throughout their relationship and then the girl dies. He finds love again and tell the story of his new relationship through mix tapes. Cool, huh?
Today my new BFF is an iced-venti-nonfat-latte from Char-bucks.
I just sold a program to my very first family!!!! More details to would not believe the piece of work that just EMAILED me his Visa number.
Matt brought over some awesome wallpaper removal spray! Maybe this project will be complete by the end of the week!! No more pickles for me. (and he was impressed by my drywall patching skills!)
It has been nearly two years since I last sold a book. I loved my job as a bookseller for a long time, but I don't miss it at all. I am so happy that I no longer work retail, deal with corporate bullsh*t, or work weekends. But I can't lie.....I wish I was working Harry Potter night tomorrow.
A few blogs ago I talked about a passage I read in Haven Kimmel's new book. I came across another one that is just beautiful and insightful.