hello kitty goes to peaches


my drive to work this morning......

somehow twelve hour days are catching up to me. i am so tired that i can't seem to get out of bed on time. this morning my phone was chirping and it became part of my dream. i actually said to someone "hey, can you stop that beeping" inside of my dream. oye. but, i did get up and cleaned up and made it out the door.

i pulled into my gas station for my daily soda (don't worry erika, todd doesn't work there). i was listening to traffic radio and heard that a BEAR had been hit on the freeway and traffic was backed up. talk about surreal! can you imagine bear road-kill? is this a southern thing??

so, back to the gas station. i pour myself some icy diet coke and notice that the drink melts the ice cubes. i taste it and it tastes like shit. so, i dumped it out and selected the caffeine free. i just need the diet coke and i can pretend there is a boost in there. I took it to the counter and put my dollar down and my cashier says "no, that is okay, it's on me." the employees at this gas station try to let me have free stuff all the time. in fact, one of the attendants came out to the pump one morning when the pump was malfunctioning and put $2 on his own credit card to test it out. i don't allow that to happen. i can't just take the "pretty girl" discount. so i fight with the cashier this morning because i want to pay for my drink and refuse to take it for free. he then says, "have you tasted it yet?" i give it a taste and ugh! this one tastes like shit too! so, i thank him for his kind offer of a free beverage and decide to toss it and try burger king instead. i guess he was just trying to be nice. (they had best have that fixed by the time i get off of work!)

then i called my mom. yesterday was barb's birthday and i wanted to hear how it went. this is the first time in 7 years that i was not at my grandma's for her birthday. i sent her this huge fruit arrangement that looked like flowers. it ruled. but, i digress. my mom tells me that she and al bought grandma a special cell phone for seniors. it has big keys and a padded ear piece to help block out outside noise. i love it! my grandma has been bitching about cell phones for years. "i never want a cell phone! i am not accountable to anyone!" (she thinks cell phones are an evil control device used by couples to shackle themselves to their beloved) well, guess what? she loves the phone! she is so excited she can't get over it.

now i am at work. i want to be at the ocean. i think it is only a four hour drive from here. i could roll up in savannah, call paula dean and do lunch. then we could sit on the beach and burn. ahhhh.....that sounds like heaven right now.


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