hello kitty goes to peaches


i guess my grandma is right

well, i know everyone knows that i think my grandma is awesome and super fabulous. so, i just wanted to say it again. she insisted that where ever i ended up would be the right place for me.

earlier this year, i was hell-bent on moving to some place warm and sunny. i decided that Tuscon was the home for me. but, then my new job came along and they asked me to move here. it is sunny. it is hot. and, best of all, there is no snow. so, it seemed good enough.....

not that i don't find confirmation that this was the right choice on at least a weekly basis, but this morning it was confirmed (yet again.)

i just had to hear the national weather forecast. sure, i don't mind a day or four of 100+ heat. in fact, i kinda like it. but, i don't think i would have made it with the scorpions (dean pointed this out many times.) guess i made the right decision. isn't it "peachy?"


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