hello kitty goes to peaches


Haven Kimmel rings true again...

A few blogs ago I talked about a passage I read in Haven Kimmel's new book. I came across another one that is just beautiful and insightful.

The character is talking with a friend from a divorced family. Because the character had never experienced what it is like to have divorced parents, she speculates what it must be like to be in that situation. Here is how Kimmel describes this...

"She didn't know, really, would never know what it feels like to be the child of a rancorous divorce, but surely it was something like this: the nervous straddling of two worlds, the feeling that one was an ambassador to two camps, and in both the primary activity was hatred for the other"

Wow. That is so accurate. As a product of one nasty divorce-even 20 years later-this still applies.

As a grown up, and after hundreds of therapy sessions, I have balanced this in my life. But the passage still struck me in such a way that I underlined it and keep re-reading it.


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