hello kitty goes to peaches


the boy.....the demon

The Boy, my cat, was fixed last week. He is truly insane and very wound up nearly every moment of the day. I felt so guilty about adjusting his "business" but the doctor assured me that it was important for his health. He did very well and bounced back like a champ.

Well, the procedure did not do much of anything. It has been a week and he continues to be off his rocker with energy and aggression.

For Example: Today I came home and noticed that the window in the living room was broken. I freaked out and thought maybe a bird flew into the window. I rushed over to the window and was looking outside trying to see a poor birdie met his end on my window. I saw nothing outside and then looked down to see how much glass was on the carpet.

The Boy broke my window!! He knocked over a lamp and the lamp crashed into the window.

It is just like having a kid. My Grandma told me to "cat proof" my house. I think The Boy needs daycare.


At 7:44 PM, Blogger DDD said...

"It is just like having a kid." Marla, Marla, Marla. Take it from me. It's not even close. And, just an FYI...if someone took care of my business, I'd break a window, too. I can't fucking believe that we're gonna get to see you next week. How exciting!!!!! Be ready for big hugs!!


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