hello kitty goes to peaches


an update on 50 things i want to do....

Without even trying, i knocked a few off the list


someday i'd like to
1. witness a baby being born
2. swim in the pacific ocean
3. see yosemite
4. take some really impressive photographs with a fantastic camera
5. have a niece or nephew---yay! honorary nephew and godson 9/12/08
6. sing karaoke all by myself
7. master a british or australian accent
8. run a mile without shortness of breath
9. live in santa monica california
10. drive cross country
11. touch a redwood
12. go to greece
13. buy a couch from ikea-----woohoo! she is a beaut! 11/2007
14. write a short story that is actually good
15. give up my diet coke addiction for good---------i have been off the sauce for about 4 months
16. sew a dress for myself
17. bring home a boy and have my grandma approve of him
18. use an elliptical machine without falling off---accomplished 7/2008
19. volunteer for a good cause on a regular basis
20. develop an appreciation for coffee-----done. i can drink iced lattes without gagging!
21. learn to play the guitar
22. sing in a choir again
24. see a broadway show
25. become a morning person
26. read a book each week, or at least 3 per month
27. learn to knit-----woohoo! i can still crochet better....but i caught on to knitting in minutes
28. find an organized religion or spiritual group that i can believe in---completed 4/2008
29. make crepes
30. have a dog
31. rescue another cat (but not for a while!)
32. wash my dishes when i am done with them and not allow them to sit for days (or weeks)
33. use excel without wanting to kill someone.----accomplished. kind of.
34. learn to do custom framing
35. reupholster a chair
36. pay off all debt and be debt free--my student loans are finally under 10K! only 4 digits now! all credit card debt is paid in full each month.
37. go to grad school
38.kayak------not yet, but i am doing it in Bonaire in just 12 short days!
39. i guess i probably should go camping at some point
40. own a vw bug------my mom bought one instead. so this is coming off the list
41. purchase a hybrid vehicle
42. buy an antique diamond ring
43. find a sports bra that actually works
44. find a way to enjoy a football game that doesn't involve booze
45. learn to wrap a present and have it look pretty
46. grow a vegetable garden
47. have pink gerber daisies in my house once a week
48. work for myself
49. have a personalized license plate
50. somehow tan my skin that only burns


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