hello kitty goes to peaches


it never fails

For the first time in a very long time, I have cable television. I have long avoided cable due to the cost and my inability to not turn into a total boob while I watch the TV. It truly is pretty sad that I can't resist a television :-)

Forrest Gump is playing on some sort of loop this weekend. It never fails, this movie always makes me cry. I think I cried through the entire film the first time I saw it. Every time I see it or hear songs from the soundtrack I get a little misty. Gosh darn it! I don't feel like crying today!

The thing that always strikes me with this movie is how hopeful Forrest is. Most people, given the life that Forrest was handed, would probably bury their head in the sand and never leave the house. But, Forrest always tries to see the bright side. Sure, he is a little challenged in the developmental department, but maybe we all could use a little bit of faith and optimism. Surely couldn't hurt.

After a week of--driving three screaming cats 13hrs, being locked out of my new house for 2 days, waiting for 3 days for electricity, discovering my air conditioning was broken, (and I have no screens) working without a phone or Internet at work, and let us not forget the palmetto bug infestation in my new place- I maintained a healthy dose of optimism. I figured I should just go with the flow. I guess I have a little Forrest in me. Or, I might be developmentally challenged? Maybe I should request that no one leaves a comment ruling in on that one :-)

Stupid is as stupid does.


holy crap

my new office is directly across from the men's restroom. i now have the very unfortunate pleasure of hearing every dude's bathroom business and knowledge of who washes their hands.

sweet jesus. this is nasty.

i can't work because I am so distracted by it!


My First Day

My first 24 hours in my new town provided me with four mosquito bites and a sunburn.

But, it is going to be 87 tomorrow and that makes me very happy!


i'm fuzzy like a peach...

the time has come to transition the blog and bring it into the future. with the impending move to atlanta i have re-named the blog and i am gearing up to provide more frequent communication from the "south"

welcome to hello kitty goes to peaches.....